Yosemite part 2

A few more shots from this summers yosemite trip. Mostly shot around the campsite with my little digital. βTim

Brett catching the big one

snow bar

photos by Tim Gatto
A few more shots from this summers yosemite trip. Mostly shot around the campsite with my little digital. βTim
Brett catching the big one
snow bar
photos by Tim Gatto
Some photos from the last couple of months; Tahoe, Oakland, Art Murmur, and SF. On a technical note, I picked up a Ricoh GR for everyday stuff and have been totally loving it. I needed a digital camera, and chose the GR for some of its quickness and because it could fit in my pocket. It's been pretty great, and have been bringing out my medium format camera with it as a result. That's all β Tim
made it away to the "snow"
Saying goodbye to my Grandmothers house in St. Helena. It was a fantastic place to grow up.
A postcard written to my Grandfather
smudge pots
made it to Pallet Space
Owner, Purdy, in front of pallet space's rotating wall
definitely worth a trip, lots of interesting stuff inside
Johnny Manente selling shirts at Art Murmur
had to stop and support bar Dogwood after a car crashed through their front window just days before
RIP Kim's backyard