Oakland Sun — 4/14

Some photos from the last couple of months; Tahoe, Oakland, Art Murmur, and SF. On a technical note, I picked up a Ricoh GR for everyday stuff and have been totally loving it. I needed a digital camera, and chose the GR for some of its quickness and because it could fit in my pocket. It's been pretty great, and have been bringing out my medium format camera with it as a result. That's all — Tim R0000214_b


made it away to the "snow"



Saying goodbye to my Grandmothers house in St. Helena. It was a fantastic place to grow up.

A postcard written to my Grandfather

smudge pots


made it to Pallet Space

R0000834_b copy

Owner, Purdy, in front of pallet space's rotating wall

definitely worth a trip, lots of interesting stuff inside


Johnny Manente selling shirts at Art Murmur





had to stop and support bar Dogwood after a car crashed through their front window just days before

RIP Kim's backyard




PANACEA book release at MUA–photos

Thanks to everyone that came out last Friday to MUA Oakland for our PANACEA book release and photo show. Such a fun night. Sold some books, some photos, and had a great night out with friends. Also, a big thank you to everyone that participated in the book and show! It really came out great. Our box of books is getting slim, If you'd still like to pick one up, head to the zines section. —Tim

Thanks to our host, MUA, for inviting us to show photos and sell our book.





(not so) serious meet up before the show




Carson Gilliland



Cody Cobb


All of the photos hanging at MUA are for sale and will be up for another month, check them out if you're in town.





A great First Friday in Oakland. Here's to many more safe Oakland Art Murmurs.

top photo from MUAOakland.com

upside down crosses & triangles 11.15.11

Life in Oakland the last month or so. Trips to SF | Halloween | Art Murmur | OMCA | occupy | street dogs.

Headed to SF and tried to take a picture of everyone I saw on my bike ride. Guy at Rosemunde was not having it.

guy at Needles & Pens was interested in my camera and said sure.

guy #3

guy #4: Brian of BITBYZEUS fame!

then at some point towards the end of the month it was halloween and saw this president

Halloween was Comedy at the purple onion

to see our badass friend Becky Wolf

finally made it over to the Oakland Museum of Ca

Big Barry Mcgee installation when you walk in

Mark Klett & Byron Wolfe. My college photo teacher in a museum. very cool.

No photos of the Richard Misrach exhibit. but it was amazing, go see it. Huge scans.

afterwards we drank beers and looked at these hideous sights of oakland

east bay cars


checked out occupy oakland for a sec.

Just look at this unruly mob.

saw this fake banksy, with the word 'wolfy' above it.

chile jalepenos

headed to Art murmur downtown Oakland, first fridays on November 1st.

saw art?


so much 'art' I headed to Sf the same night to hang with these fools.

and eat street dogs

Sorry for the mega photo dump or if you really wanted to see photos with upside down crosses in them, I hear those are hard to find. —Tim

Oakland Art Murmur – June

Every First Friday of the month, Oakland has an art walk downtown. I recommend it to anyone, but especially to those who have never been to Oakland before. Way fun to grab a bike, see the city, and see some artists arting.

these guys.

glad I could take a photo of this college fund that I contributed to.

rad photos, see Jazmin Jones

scratch board art

sweet street magic

http://www.bloompress.com alphabet silkscreens

Oakland Librarians protesting. terrifying.

and street food.