PANACEA book release at MUA–photos

Thanks to everyone that came out last Friday to MUA Oakland for our PANACEA book release and photo show. Such a fun night. Sold some books, some photos, and had a great night out with friends. Also, a big thank you to everyone that participated in the book and show! It really came out great. Our box of books is getting slim, If you'd still like to pick one up, head to the zines section. —Tim

Thanks to our host, MUA, for inviting us to show photos and sell our book.





(not so) serious meet up before the show




Carson Gilliland



Cody Cobb


All of the photos hanging at MUA are for sale and will be up for another month, check them out if you're in town.





A great First Friday in Oakland. Here's to many more safe Oakland Art Murmurs.

top photo from

Everyday by Byron Wolfe

Photographer Byron Wolfe just released the digital version of his award winning book, "Everyday". This book has important significance to me, not only because he was my photography professor, but because the book is a great example of a well thought out and well executed photography project; Something much easier said than done. "Everyday," has been a great guide to me, when thinking about how to make an interesting photo. Absolutely go check it out, it's $3.99. —Tim

"To conclude, I've seen photographers do similiar projects as Byron, but rarely with as good results. He's personal, open to new ideas, and as creative and inventive as one can be every day. Add to that the fact that this diaristic body of work was finished almost 10 years ago, when digital was still in its cradle."

— via the Digital photobook. More photos and their complete review for "Everyday" here.